March 29, 2009

CyberCorner #2: CPU

            Assalamualaikum and salam sejahtera. Ipin kembali dengan al-kisah cybernya. Hari ini kita akan bincang pasal the brain of the computer- Central Processing Unit (CPU).

             CPU ni ada banyak sejarahnye. In the early days CPU was the size of a room! Now, it could be the size of a beetle! I tak nak cakap banyak pasal miscellaneous stuff, so I’ll get to the most important part- what u need to see when choosing a CPU.

            CPU ni ade banyak brand. The most prominent brands are Intel and AMD. I recommend choosing either one of them, but just to let you know, most people use Intel. Reasons? Intel is cheaper. Walaupun murah, ia dah terbukti efficient and worth the money. Processing ability pun tak jauh beza dengan AMD. Lagi pun Intel ni one of the pioneer dalam business CPU ni. Unfortunately, there have been reports of problems such as cooling mechanism. Well, if you are not a gamer or doing heavy programs, this issue won’t bother you. What about AMD? Well, it have been reported that AMD has much better processing ability but with a higher price. It has better power consumption and cooling system too. If you’re into gaming, this chip is the right one for you.

            One more important thing you need to know about CPU is the type. Currently CPU ade single core ( kalau Intel, it is called Celeron). I suggest never to buy this type pada zaman ini. Dah lapok gile! Bende-bende basic kat computer pun lembab nak jalan. Lepas tu kita ade dual core. I recommend people buying this. It is good for basic programs and adequate for high end games. Heat production pun sustainable.

            Higher performance CPU macam quad core laju but generate more heat which could damage the computer. Anybody buying this type of CPU must invest money in a high quality cooling system such as liquid nitrogen cooling system (OMG! The coldest substance in the world!). If you plan on fully experience the thrill of gaming, this one is for you (and be ready to say goodbye to your lovely money).

            Ini aje untuk minggu ini. Jumpa lagi pada masa hadapan!




i zak said...

cool..thanks to kelab umno otago, ha cam ni la best baru ade advance sbb saya ni mmg la buta it ni nanti nex time kalau i nak beli comp i nak minta advise dari you all boleh tak?? tentu boleh kan!!

malaysia boleh! said...

skadar makluman sume.. intel merupakan antare penyumbang bsar israel.. better AMD kot.. bleh usha sini for more info: